Looking back at Topic 2…

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Online identity is a big topic to be further broken down into. Most of the blogs I read stated that it is acceptable to have multiple identities, so long as it is used in a good way and not for ill-intentions.

Looking at Vanna’s comment, it made me realize that there are actually not much ways currently to prevent cyber bullying and impersonation from happening in Singapore. This causes the Internet to become increasingly unsafe for its users due to multiple identities created out of ill-intentions.

Source: Youtube

If you believe in fortune telling, watch the video and it may change your opinion. Constance has shared a very interesting video regarding how one can easily find information about others through the Internet.

Constance has also brought up another important link between online identities and marketing. With a database of customer information, it makes it easier for companies to determine customer buying trends and preferences. However, with multiple identities, it makes the information collected unreliable as the information may be false. In fact, I am one of the “customers with multiple identities”… Using another identity, I will usually fill in some false information for online surveys so as to protect my privacy!

Sze Li has also brought up another similar point in her blog post. She mentioned that online identities aid companies in their personalized advertising – which I totally agreed on! With customers’ information, companies can easily target specific groups of customers and market certain products/services that suit the needs of these customers. Other than personalized advertising, companies can also send out complimentary well-wishing cards to customers on special occasions, such as birthdays and weddings. This will make customers feel unique and valued by the company.

Hence, I still stand firm on my point that having multiple online identities is not a bad thing, if used in a good way. What do you think? 🙂

(315 words)

Blogs commented on: Tan Sze Li & Constance Tan

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